Tuesday, August 25, 2020

August 25, 2020

This Melon Bread Cookie Dough { has been the favorite recipe in modest Recipes for over 19 years. Million out of people make every time. Why? I made some melon bread with cocoa powder. Cover with a damp towel, the same as you did for the bread dough. Using margarine will make the dough difficult to handle and a.

Melon Bread Cookie Dough Recipe by Otometeo A melonpan (メロンパン, meronpan) (also known as melon pan, melon bun or melon bread) is a type of sweet bun from Japan, that is also popular in Taiwan and China. They are made from an enriched dough covered in a thin layer of crisp cookie dough. Their appearance resembles a melon, such as a rock melon (). You can cook Melon Bread Cookie Dough using 5 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Material of Melon Bread Cookie Dough

  1. It's 100 grams of Butter.
  2. It's 60 grams of Sugar.
  3. Prepare 2 of Eggs.
  4. It's 6 of drops Vanilla oil.
  5. Prepare 275 grams of Cake flour.

They are not traditionally melon flavored, but in recent times it has become popular. Reshape each bread dough into a ball, cover with the cookie sheet and adjust the shape. Hold the dough upside down and stretch the cookie sheet up to the center. Pinch the bottom of the bread dough and dip the cookie dough in sugar.

Melon Bread Cookie Dough instructions

  1. Sift the cake flour. Mix the eggs and vanilla oil together well..
  2. Return the butter to room temperature to soften it, then mix well with the sugar until it turns white..
  3. Add in the egg a bit at a time and mix well between each turn to keep it from separating..
  4. Mix in the cake flour over 3 turns. Please mix while kneading well in order to turn this into a hard-to-break dough..
  5. After it has all gathered up, knead it tightly into a ball while stretching the dough out in your hand..
  6. Divide the dough 50 g balls and place in a shallow dish. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit in the fridge for about an hour..
  7. Place into a plastic bag if you won't be using it right away, place into a ziplock bag on top of that, and freeze it. Let it unthaw naturally when you are ready to use it..
  8. Sandwich the cookie dough in plastic wrap and roll it out thinly. Wrap the cookie dough around the rolled up bread dough and coat in granulated sugar. Cut a lattice pattern with a knife and then please bake it..

From the bread dough, prepare buns (similar to size of pound cake) and place in the cookie dough. Collect the seams and cover the bread dough from all sides. Sprinkle granulated sugar on top of the buns and make shallow cuts using a bread scraper. Melon pan or melonpan is a Japanese specialty that consists of a classic brioche covered with a thin layer of cookie dough. This little Japanese brioche owes its peculiarity to the contrast between the crisp texture of its shortbread biscuit crust and the airy crumb of its bread dough.

So for the rest of me apologize if there is a step by step that is wrong. Hopefully that is what I gave regarding Melon Bread Cookie Dough {.If you have trouble choosing what menu to serve for lover can directly visit the website elcircodelasmoscas{


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